Complete Guide On Appen Work From Home - Moneykan


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Complete Guide On Appen Work From Home

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Appen work from home. This is one of the best side hustles to work on the internet. Every day we search on the internet for how to make money online. We are looking at different ways to earn money. But, the important thing is what is the best way to earn money.

I am sharing another best platforms to make money online. If you are very interested in how to generate an online income. Then read the article I am going to describe the details of this site.

Appen work from home has many tasks to do. Appen is the best site to provide projects and micro-task jobs. It collects images, text, audio, and video. This helps to improve the world-class innovative artificial intelligence system.

The company has corporate headquarters in Australia and the USA. It has a different variety of tasks and projects to deliver. Appen work from home provides an opportunity to do work from home.

Appen work from home works with three different categories Projects, Microtask, and Survey & Data Collection.

I am going to describe these entire 3 components and how you are going to work in these three areas.

What is Appen Work From Home?

Appen is a platform where you will find freelance projects. You will work on your own time. 

appen work from home

You need to find out the available project. Once, you got approval you can start your work.

What are Appen Projects

In this section, you will get a different kind of project. Sometimes, you will get notified via email to know about the latest project. 

You need to create an account that is free. You don’t need to invest anything. 

appen work from home

Once you log in to your account, you may be able to see the names of the projects with their pay rates. Some examples of projects like;

  • Data Collector
  • Search Engine Evaluator
  • Transcriptionist
  • Social Media Labeling

I have listed only the names of the four projects. It depends on the availability and there are many more categories to work. You can navigate to any project which you may like. Once you have decided to work click on apply and send the application. 

When they confirm your application then you can start your work on the selected projects. It will take some time to receive your application. 

You will get all the tutorials on how to work and the deadline to submit the project. Appen working from home is the best option to do a side hustle.

Below is an example of the Arrow: Search Ads Evaluator project

You can see the guidelines for the project. Their eligibility criteria, their pay rates, and how you are going to work on it.

This project is all about improving the search ad results for search engines. There are also some details on how to join.

  1. Should have a Smartphone, and Gmail address and you need to pass their Qualification Exam.
  2. There is the least work needed of 10 hours per week.
  3. You have to pass all the client service level check
  4. Must rate the task in your local language and English as well.

On average the pay rate is $3.00 per hour. So, you will get paid on per hourly basis once you have passed the Exam.

There will be a $250 bonus payout opportunity. This only applies to new raters who qualify. If you meet their production standard in appen work from home.

Then you are also eligible to receive $100 on your 1st and 2nd week of rating tasks. You can still receive $150 on the 3rd and 4th week of your rating task.

All these are bonus payments if you meet their production criteria. Then, you are eligible to receive all these bonuses. So, work as per their guidelines. They may offer more bonuses and incentives during their peak periods.

They offer plenty of projects daily. You can apply as many but only try to apply which you feel more comfortable.

What is Appen Work From Home MicroTask

In December 2017 I started my online journey from this microtask. Before, it has known as Crowdflower, and then it changed to Figure Eight.

Below is the screenshot of the job availability:

appen work from home

In the year 2019, Figure Eight has acquired by Appen. Now, this becomes the part of Appen job category.

Today, there are very few tasks available in this section. Before there is plenty of tasks but still you can check on a regular basis.

You can see the different kinds of jobs with their, Job ID, Title, Pay Rate, Level, No of Tasks, and Rating. Let me describe each part:

Different Sections of Appen Work From Home MicroTask

Job ID

It defines the ID of a particular job. This will help you to identify the job which you have done. It also helps you when sending any support ticket.

Job title

It describes the heading of the job. This helps you to understand the job function.


Levels have divided into three steps Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Once you have opened your account you are in level 0. 

You need to complete 100 tests, and 5 different jobs, and your accuracy must be 70% or more. Then you will promote to level 1.

appen work from home

In level 1 you have exposure to get more jobs and your earning potential will also increase. 

To increase your level you need to complete more jobs. Once your accuracy becomes 80% or more then you will promote to level 2. 

Again, you have to maintain your accuracy level if it reaches 85% then you will have promoted to level 3.

Now, you can have more and a variety of jobs. So, accuracy plays a very important role if your accuracy falls below 70% then again you may demote to level 0. 

Try to complete the easy tasks to maintain your good accuracy score. And, this will also help you to get out of expelled mode.

Pay Per Task

It defines the pay rates for each task. You will get paid for each completed task. If you are doing any low-paying task then try to focus on time. 

Because if any task consumes more time then it’s better to move on to another task. Time management is very important while doing this kind of work.

No of Task 

It indicates the availability of the task. How many tasks are in the bucket of one job? You need to identify this and work. 

The first task is your QUIZ MODE once you have completes the least rule of accuracy. Then only you can move to the WORK MODE and start earning.


It identifies the task’s easiness and the number of people who have voted for the task difficulty. 

If it is 4 or more then you can start doing the task. As its shows, the task is easy to complete.

What is Appen Survey & Data Collection

Here, you can get the project of Appen Survey and Data Collection. It will ask you to complete some appen survey may be a short or long survey. You will get paid as per the survey length. 

They may also assign you some work on Data Collection. It may be like Data Entry, Data Annotation, or Data Categorization.

There might be some questions on your mind about this site. But I have listed some of the points below:

Does Appen Work From Home pay well?

It depends on the project there is a good payout then you can only apply to those projects. 

But if you talk about Appen Contributor Portal then the pay is less. The pay rates may vary from $0.01 to $0.35. So, it’s better if you go for the projects.

How much does Appen work from home pay per month?

It depends on your performance. If you have a good project with high pay rates. Then you can earn a good amount per month.

How much does Appen Work From pay per task?

I have listed their task pay rates. If you only work in Contributor Portal then it’s hard to earn $50 per month. 

But if you have any project then it may chance to earn some big amount. Because some projects have bonuses and incentives. And, some projects pay on an hourly basis.

Categories of Appen Jobs

Appen has three categories of jobs. Projects, Microtask, and Survey and data Collection. Some have the payment per task and some have an hourly basis.

What is Connect Appen

Connect Appen is a platform where you will get different kinds of projects. You can navigate to the website and look for the available tasks.

Appen Work From Home Reviews

The site is legit and it is still paying its members. You will get your payment in Paypal if you are working in Contributor Portal. 

appen work from home

Likewise, if you are working on projects then you will get your payment in Payoneer.

You can see the screenshot of my payment history:

This can be the best site for you if you can work with different and high-paying projects. 

You should not rely only on Microtask. Because the pay rates of Microtask are very low. Getting a project depends on your Qualification test. 

If you get passed then it becomes good for you. Otherwise, it will become very hard to earn and it’s not worth it.

You can find some other sites on the internet. Always try to search getting different ways of making money online. 

I will keep posting on different and legit sites that can able to generate passive income.


Is it safe to use Appen?

Yes, it is one of the best platforms to work. You can work from anywhere and anytime it depending on your schedule time.

Is Appen a good-paying job?

No, You can work as a part-timer

How do I receive payment from Appen?

You will get paid through Payoneer. But there is another payment process you can select anyone.

Is Appen Legit?

There is no doubt that it is legit. It is also one of the best ways to make money online in your spare time. Hope this is the answer of is appen legit.

Final Words

Appen work from home is the best platform to work online. But, you have to keep this in mind. It will not generate a passive income for you. You can work part-time with your 9 to 5 job. You can also conduct an appen survey about how this works. 

So, Appen work from home is a great opportunity to work in your spare time. You can work on this with your present job. This may also help you to increase some small skills of yours.




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