10 Best Freelance Writing Sites To Earn Money - Moneykan


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10 Best Freelance Writing Sites To Earn Money

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Best freelance writing sites to earn money. Content writing is one of the best skills to learn nowadays. Many people are earning a passive income as freelance content writers. 

This is the most demanding skill that every individual and corporation needs. Content writing is best for the person who has a good command of English and loves to write every day.

You can also do content writing work even if you don’t have a piece of good knowledge of it. It’s all about an interest in doing anything. So, searching for the best freelance writing sites is very much important.

The best part is content writing can generate a passive income. I know some of the people who have started this work. 

But now they are working as a team and also have good clients who are paying a good rate.

Some people are earning around $2000 – $3000 per month. And, some of them have purchased a good house from freelance content writing. 

If you become an expert in this skill, and if you can grab some good clients. This content writing work generates a passive income for you. Always look for the best freelance writing sites to earn money.

If you are a beginner and passionate about writing content. Then you have to give at least 2 to 3 months to learn this skill. 

You may find some websites on the internet to get a good sample of content writing. Spending this much time is not a big deal. 

If you are looking for good career growth then you should look for a long-term. And, look for the best freelance writing sites

I have mentioned the best content-writing website below. Whether you are looking for freelance work or a project for your business. These sites may help you get all these things.

What are Freelance Writing Sites

Freelance writing sites is a place where you can work as a freelancer. But, you have to be good at writing. If you have these skills then you may get lots of work.

It is a platform where all freelance writer connects with the business owner. You have to be active to search for the best freelance writing sites.

Many freelance sites play a middleman between the writer and the owner.

Below are the Best Freelance Writing Sites

1. Upwork

Upwork is the best freelance platform to get content writing work. It has many varieties that might interest you and you will get your work as per your niche. This is one of the best freelance writing sites.

best freelance writing sites

There are plenty of clients available on this marketplace. And, all the clients are good-paying clients. But, make sure to choose the client when you have more chances to get the project. It will deduct some points while applying.

So, write down some samples and try to approach them one by one. If they like your sample you can get your first client. 

There are many content writers. Who is charging $10 – $75 per hour as per their experience and writing skills?

2. Freelancer

Freelancers can also be a good place to get content writing work. You can set your profile and apply it to anyone who you feel is good. 

best freelance writing sites

Many people are getting freelance projects on this platform. So, you may also try this one. This is also one of the best freelance writing sites.

3. Fiverr

Fiverr is another website where you can get different types of content writing work. Fiverr is considered the best freelance writing sites on the internet.

best freelance writing sites

Create your good profile and place some gigs that can be viewed by the clients. Try to be innovative because there is plenty of competition in this kind of website.

4. Peopleperhour

Peopleperhour is also one of the best freelance writing sites. But you have to be patient and always look for the new client to get the writing projects.

best freelance writing sites

You will not get as much competition on this website. But if you are good enough then you might get good work. So, you can also give it a try here.

5. Guru

Guru is also the best freelance website where you may get a good project. It also works the same as other freelancing website does. 

best freelance writing sites

Here also you will not find much competition but you can expect to get some work.

I have also mentioned some of the best freelance writing sites below. You may get a project or get paid for writing a single article.

6. Constant-Content

Constant-Content is the best website for content writers. It is free to join once you have created your profile. Give a grammar test and if you get passed then you can easily get the work. Constant-Content is also the best freelance writing sites to earn online.

best freelance writing sites

You have the exposure to get into the marketplace. Submit some samples as per your niche. Now, you become a paid writer. You will get paid on the 1st or 15th of every month.

If you are passionate about writing plenty of articles. Then this is the right place for you. Many people are generating passive income from these websites.

7. Writing Creek

This site is best for the beginner to the expert. But you have to pass the qualification test. Once you get passed then you can join these amazing and best freelance writing sites to earn some money.

best freelance writing sites

There are different types of categories to choose from. Each category has different and fixed pay rates. For writing 2 pages the pay rates are from 6$ – $12.

8. Listverse

Listverse is paying $100 for any approved article. You will get paid in your PayPal account. Listverse is also an interesting but best freelance writing sites to give a try. There is nothing wrong if you can get $100 if your article gets approved. So, it is good to go with these sites.

But make sure the submitted article has to be on reality or any incident happen. It can be horror, sci-fi, etc.

best freelance writing sites

You may check other submitted articles. It will give an idea of how to write an article that can be approved on the first attempt.

9. Funds for Writers

There are certain criteria to submit your article on this website. You will get paid $60 for the original article and $20 for the reprint. Fund for Writers is another best freelance writing sites to make some cash in your spare time. 

best freelance writing sites

So, it is also the best website for freelance content writers. After joining the site make sure to read all the terms and conditions of the site. If you are OK with the policy then you can apply on it.

10. Writer Bay

This website also needs a grammar test before joining the site. But, you will get plenty of work once you have passed the assessment test. It is also considered the best freelance writing sites to earn some money.

best freelance writing sites

You will get paid twice a month. Many people are working full-time and earning good money from this website. Another best freelance writing sites. If you are good at writing then you can give a try to these websites.

How can you Hire a Freelance Writer for Content Marketing

It is very easy you hire them from the above freelance sites.

Also, there are many digital marketing agencies. Who also provides writing services. You can get the best writer within your budget.

If you are looking for a quality writer then you must have a good budget to invest. Because they will charge good money.


Which site is best for Content Writing?

I have mentioned some of the best sites for content writing in this article. You may get the work from the above website if you can create a good profile. 

How can I do Freelance Content Marketing?

It’s not so tough to write freelance content. Select your niche and keep writing. You also need to find out the client from different freelance platform. Try to build network this will help you to get work easily.

Is Content Writing Freelancing?

There is freelance and full-time work available as a content writer. You may join as per your interest. Many people work as a full time and also do freelancing as a side hustle.

Which Website is best for Freelancing for Beginners?

The website which I have mentioned above is best for beginners. You can also try LinkedIn it is one of the best platform for professional.


So, I have given the 10 best freelance writing sites. You can join as per your choice to start your writing journey Content writing is the most demanding profession. You will get lots of opportunities as a content writer. 

If you become a master in this field then I am sure you will not fall behind in any work. I have the best advice for people who are experts in content writing. 

They may contact the client through social media or email. This gives them more opportunities to earn a passive income.

They can also open an agency for content writing if they have a bunch of clients. A good client is ready to pay from $100 – $500 per article depending on the topic. 

Content writing is one of the best skills to learn and can be chosen as a career. 

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