Clickworker: Best Side Hustle To Earn Money - Moneykan


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Clickworker: Best Side Hustle To Earn Money

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Clickworker is also a micro job site and is very easy to join. Anyone around the world can start at any time. 

It is a quick money-making site where you can earn money by doing a simple task. Clickworker is one of the renowned micro job sites where you can join and start your work from day one.

Clickworker is the best alternative to many micro job sites. Working on these kinds of sites will not make you rich. 

But this can be the best online earning as this doesn’t need any extra skills. People who don’t have any higher qualifications. They can also start working in Clickworker.

This is not like a traditional job where you have to work on a fixed time. You can work at any time from anywhere. 

You only need a computer or laptop and an internet connection at your home. Clickworker also has an app so; you can do the task through their app. This makes it easier to perform the task.

Nowadays, working from home is emerging. Most people want to earn money online. Whether it would be any kind of remote job or they want to establish their online business. 

So, the people who don’t like to do a 9 to 5 job. Clickworker helps them to earn some money for doing a simple task at home.


You will get different kinds of tasks and some are very interesting to perform. There are many categories in Clickworker

You can choose any category and start doing the task. The best part is that they have a variety of tasks.

I will explain the different categories of Clickworker and how you are going to work on it.

Different categories of Clickworker

Text Creation

If you are good at writing articles then this category will help you to earn money

You will need to give an assessment test and if you got a good rating. Then there might be chances to get a high fee per word.


Writing articles are always in demand and if you are good at writing. Then you can able to earn good money by writing a quality article.

Data Categorization

This category is always in demand in Clickworker. They will disappear anytime because most people want to perform this kind of task. 

You will find this kind of job in Clickworker Workplace. But to perform this task you have to access the UHRS job.

You also need to complete two UHRS qualifications. Once you can access these UHRS jobs then you can pick any task and start working.

Copy Editing

If you are passionate about editing text then this is for you. Clickworker gives you an opportunity to work on editing the short text of any topic given to you. 

The text can include a description of any location or product. They can also give you any topic depending on availability.

You have to give an assessment before accessing this task. Once you got approved then you can perform this task.


If you are more passionate about taking out the single mistake of any newspaper, article, or book. 

Then this category will help you to earn good money. It would be good if you have any prior experience in proofreading. Because this will help you to pass the assessment test.


But make sure you have to pass the assessment test on the first attempt. You are not going to take this test again and again. 

So beware that you have enough time to give the test don’t be in hurry.

Web Research

In this category, you need to do some data research. It would be any restaurant details or city details. 

You can also need to get information about any companies. So, you have to be good at internet research.


You can share your opinion on any particular products or services. Participating in surveys is very easy. 

If the surveys are available you can start doing surveys. It doesn’t need any assessment test.

The pay rates are always good in surveys task. Try to perform surveys that have very high rates and take less time to complete.

Mystery Visit

This is something like a shopping job. This job has restricted only to your location.

App Testing

This is a very easy job and you can earn some easy pocket money. If you have to test some apps that can be available in your App Testing category. 


There are many companies that want to test their app before launching in the market.

This will give a clear idea about their app and its performance.

Photo Capturing

If you are good at taking pictures then this task is for you. This doesn’t need any qualifications and you don’t have to give any photography tests. 

If you know how to take a good picture then you can take this job.

Audio Recordings

You can perform this task in your native language and foreign language as well. It depends on the customer’s needs. 


This is another very easy task you only need to record your voice. This will go to make an important contribution. Because your audio recording will help to train artificial intelligence.

Video Recording

This task will also help you to become a YouTuber. It will not need any extra qualifications you only need a good quality camera. 

This is a very popular project in Clickworker. As we know video content is on-demand.

This is one of the best projects to perform. It also helps you to improve your communication on camera. You will also become a YouTuber if this goes well.

How can a beginner make money?

If you are a newbie on the internet and want to earn money. Try to improve or learn some skills it will help you to earn a passive income. 

But if you don’t have any skills then you can join Micro job sites to earn quick money.

Clickworker Reviews

According to Capterra and G2, it has 4.4 and 3.9 ratings. But some site also has some negative ratings. You can give it a try on this site.

Why Clickworker is Famous on Reddit?

Clearing your doubt in a group. This is one of the best ways to grow in micro job sites. You will find many Clickworker Reddit communities to join here and ask your doubts.


Is Clickworker Legit

This site offers an opportunity for people to complete various tasks and earn money online. Clickworker provides a platform for micro-jobs. Which are small tasks that you can complete remotely. These tasks may include data entry, web research, content creation, and more.

Does clickworker really pay?

Yes, Clickworker does pay users for completing tasks on their platform. Once you complete a task and if it’s approved by the client. You’ll receive payment according to Clickworker’s payment schedule.

What kind of jobs are on clickworker?

Clickworker offers a variety of tasks and jobs across different categories. Like, Data Entry, Web Research, Content Creation, Data Processing, etc. There are many jobs available. It also depends on your interest in picking the task.

Is being a Clickworker worth it?

It depends on your circumstances, preferences, and goals. Also, how much do you enjoy the tasks available on the platform? It also depends on how much time you are giving to this site. But this will not make a passive income.


Making money online is always trending for most people. Because it has the potential to build your online business. 

But if you have any special skills then start your online journey this will help you to earn a passive income. You can list down your area of expertise and start working.

Micro job sites are easy to join but they will not give a passive income. You have to improve or develop any skills to boost your online income

But Micro jobs sites will help to start earning from day one. If you join 2 or 3 Microsites then you can able to earn $5 to $8 per day. It also depends on how much time you are giving.

But don’t think too much to start your online journey. If you work harder then it will definitely give you financial freedom.




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