Mangools Reviews Best SEO Tool For Beginners - Moneykan


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Mangools Reviews Best SEO Tool For Beginners

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Mangools - Best Keyword Research Tool For Low Budget

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If you are looking for the best SEO tools with a limited budget.

Then mangools are the best tool for beginners. It has many features to use.

Mangools can play an important role in your SEO world.

If you are looking for budget tools that can help you to rank on search engines then Mangools is the best.

Mangools reviews play an important role in SEO.

As we know SEO is one of the most important parts to generate sales and leads.

Every person wants to be an expert in SEO. 

There is nothing wrong with that. We want free traffic for our websites or blogs.

We know that GOOGLE is the world’s no 1 search engine.

So, keeping this in mind we also have to look for the proper SEO tools.

Billions of people search every day with their queries in Google.

There are other search engines where we can rank our website on 1st page with the help of SEO.

It is very important to implement in every small or large enterprise. If we need a good presence through online media.

We are always desperate to see our website should rank 1st in Google.

This is a sign of the importance of SEO in any kind of online presence in the market.

This is the only SEO tool. I can say quality tool that comes within our budget. So, here is a win-win situation for the beginners or experts.

SEO always had been in demand in many sectors.

If you are running a Digital Marketing Agency then SEO will play a vital role in your agency.

It also helps you to grow in your career. Once you know SEO you can get a decent job which may boost your career in SEO.

What is Mangools?

Mangools is a juicy SEO tool. That includes KWFinder, SERPChecker, SERPWatcher, LinkMiner, and SiteProfiler.


It has been designed to help website owners and digital marketers.

To improve their online visibility and search engine rankings.

Mangools is a very good platform that offers a simple yet effective interface.

Mangools dashboard is clean and easy to navigate.

It allows users to access all the tools with ease.

The tools are also well-organized and presented in an appealing manner.


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What does SEO stand for?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of improving your website’s ranking in search engines.

It increases the quality and quantity of traffic for your content and pages.

Features of Mangools


KWFinder is one of the most popular tools offered by Mangools. It is a keyword research tool.

That allows users to find relevant keywords. And determine their search volume, competition, and potential traffic.

It also offers a range of features. Including keyword suggestions, search history, and SERP analysis.


SERPChecker is another valuable tool. That helps users analyze the top search results for a particular keyword or phrase.

It provides insights into the competition. Including their domain authority, backlinks, and social signals.

It also offers customizable metrics. Allowing users to tailor their analysis to their specific needs.

Mangools features


SERPWatcher is a rank-tracking tool. That allows users to track their website’s performance. On search engine results pages (SERPs).

It tracks keyword rankings over time. Providing historical data and insights into the website’s performance.

This feature allows users to adjust their SEO strategy as needed. Keeping up with changes in search engine algorithms.


LinkMiner is a backlink analysis tool. That allows users to examine the backlink profile of any website.

It provides detailed information on the number. And the quality of backlinks, anchor text, and referring domains.

This tool is particularly useful for identifying link-building opportunities.

And identifying potential spammy backlinks that could harm a website’s rankings.


SiteProfiler is a comprehensive tool that provides a range of information.

About a website’s performance. Including domain authority, backlinks, top pages, and organic search traffic.

It also offers a site audit feature that identifies technical SEO issues. And provides suggestions for improvement.

Mangools Pricing

Mangools are the best option for beginners or experts. With pricing starting at $29 per month for the basic plan.

I must say that this is a very budget-friendly price.

The pricing plans are simple and transparent, and users can choose to pay on a monthly or yearly basis.

Below is the screenshot of its pricing:

Mangools Pricing

Mangools Pricing

Some Examples of Search Engines?

There are some examples of Search Engine which are as follows:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • MSN

Above is the most famous example where many people do trust. They look for these search engines to rank their website.

Free Sign up to check your website ranking!

Mangools vs Semrush

Mangools and SEMrush are two of the most popular SEO tools available in the market today. 

Both offer a range of features that can help website owners and digital marketers.

To improve their online visibility and search engine rankings. 


Mangools offers a suite of five tools: KWFinder, SERPChecker, SERPWatcher, LinkMiner, and SiteProfiler.

This tool has been designed to help users. With keyword research, SERP analysis, rank tracking, backlink analysis, and site audit.

While they may not offer as many features as SEMrush, they are more affordable.

SEMrush, so, offers a range of features that include. Keyword research, site audit, rank tracking, and backlink analysis.

Also, social media management, and content marketing tools.

It is a more comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes. From small startups to large enterprises.

User Interface

Mangools offers a clean and intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate.

The dashboard is simple and straightforward. Making it easy for users to access all the tools and features they need.

The tools are well-organized, and the platform provides a range of tutorials. And resources to help users get the most out of their tools.

SEMrush, so, has a more complex user interface that can be overwhelming for new users.

It offers a range of features and tools, and it may take some time for users to get used to the platform.

But, once users get the hang of it. They will appreciate the depth of features and functionalities offered by SEMrush.


Mangools is a more affordable option than SEMrush. With pricing starting at $29 per month for the basic plan.

The pricing plans are simple and transparent, and users can choose to pay on a monthly or yearly basis.

SEMrush, so, is more expensive, with pricing starting at $119.95 per month for the basic plan.

While it may be more expensive. It offers a range of features and tools that can be useful for businesses of all sizes.

Additionally, SEMrush offers a range of pricing plans. To cater to the needs of businesses of different sizes and budgets.

Let’s discuss something about SEO!

Types of SEO

There are three types of SEO which are as follows:

White Hat SEO

If you want to present in search engines for a longer period of time then you should use the White Hat SEO technique. 

It means that you are following the terms and conditions of Google.

You are doing proper keyword research. And producing quality content that can rank on Google.

If you are using some other technique that is illegal. Then it will definitely harm your website. 

You may ban it from Google. So, the good decision is always to follow the rules and regulations of Google.

This will help you to stay for last long.

You may also use Google ADS to promote your business. This will help your business to grow faster. 

It will increase the visibility of your website on top pages on Google. People will come to know about your website presence which may boost your business.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO can increase your rank but it will not sustain you for a longer period.

It generally breaks the rules and regulations which will affect your business. 

This is only for a shorter period. Many bloggers want this for a short-term period to increase their traffic.

This kind of technique should be ignored if you want your business to be present for a longer period. 

There is some kind of Black Hat SEO technique. Like, Content Automation, Hidden Links, Phishing, Trojans, Viruses, etc.

You should avoid this kind of technique which will harm your business.

Always go with the legal ways and follow all the terms and conditions.

Grey Hat SEO

Greyhat SEO is a term used to describe search engine optimization techniques. That falls somewhere between the “white hat” and “black hat” methods.

Grey hat SEO techniques are not banned by search engines. But this may be considered unethical or manipulative.

Grey hat techniques may include tactics. Such as buying links, using keyword stuffing, or cloaking content.

These techniques may produce short-term results.

But they can also lead to penalties from search engines or damage to a website’s reputation.

While some SEO practitioners may use grey hat techniques to achieve quick results.

It’s generally recommended to avoid them and instead focus on long-term strategies. That aligns with search engine guidelines.

White hat SEO techniques, such as creating quality content and building organic backlinks.

It tends to provide more sustainable and effective results in the long run.

SEO Content Writing

SEO Content Writing is the process of putting in place good keywords and key phrases.

Which has a good search volume and low competition. 

It also helps your website to get organic traffic and Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking.

It is a targeted keyword search query.

What is On-Page SEO Content Writing

If you are planning, optimizing, and creating good-quality content.

Then you have to find a good keyword that has a good volume of searches with fewer competitors. 

It will help your website’s visibility on Google’s first page.

How do I find SEO Keywords?

It depends on your niche selection. Try to find a long-tail keyword of at least 3 words or more than that.

Identify your competitors and your target. 

Set a plan for your goal and also use some good tools. There are many tools that give a fair idea about keyword research.

You can also ask from Google by typing some keywords. Google will share plenty of keyword options.

Where people have been searching for those keywords.

Mangools Reviews

Below are some experts who have given the best reviews on Mangools.

So, overall Mangools reviews have a positive impact on experts and beginners as well.

Overall I found that mangools reviews have many positive feedback.

You can also try and find the best mangools reviews on the internet.

Brian Dean – An SEO expert about Mangools

As we know about Brian Dean. He is an SEO expert and the founder of Backlinko.

Below is the screenshot of what he said about Mangools.

Brian Dean Review on Mangools

Gael Breton – Authority Hacker

Gael Breton Review on Mangools

Julia McCoy – Content Hacker

Julia McCoy Review on Mangools


Is Mangools worth it?

It has very positive reviews from many users. It is a wonderful tool for SEO strategy and analysis.

Of course, it is worth it if this tool fits your budget.

So, purchasing this tool is not a bad idea. You need to try on how this tool gives more benefits.

Is coding required for SEO

The answer is ‘NO’. It doesn’t need any coding for SEO.

But if you want to improve this programming skill. Then you should learn to code. But this will generally help you in your career growth as well. 

How can I check my SEO Ranking?

You can check your website ranking by visiting the webmaster tool. Check your top keywords data which is ranking higher.

You can also check your website ranking by visiting this free tool.

Apart from this tool, there are many tools that can give data on your selected keywords. 

Final Words

Mangools are one of the best and most affordable tools.

It has many benefits that can help businesses. To improve their search engine rankings and online visibility.

You can give a try to this SEO tool. As it already has good reviews by many SEO experts. 

Its interface, keyword research, SERP analysis, rank tracking, and backlink analysis. And site analysis tools make it a valuable platform.

For business owners and individuals of all sizes. If you have a very tight budget. you can give it a try.

It already has good reviews by many experts.

If you are using Mangools, please share your thoughts on how this tool is working for you!


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