Picoworkers - Best Side Hustle For Beginners - Moneykan


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Picoworkers – Best Side Hustle For Beginners

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Picoworkers now it is known as ‘Sprout Gigs’ is one of the best freelancing websites. Where you can make money without any prior experience.

Picoworkers is very suitable for beginners who have started their online journey. As this doesn’t need any skills, yes you need to sign up and start working.

Picoworkers is the best platform for people who don’t have any extra skills or do not have experience.

Picoworkers is very easy to navigate to work and you can make $5 to $8 per day for spending a few hours. “Sounds good and interesting’’ I will be sharing the best strategy on how to work and earn decent money per day.

So read the full article as I will be sharing some good points on how to make money by giving less effort on this site.

What do you mean by Picoworkers?

Picoworkers is a freelance gigs sites. You will earn money by completing some online tasks. We can also consider these micro job sites.


How to work in Picoworkers?

Working in Picoworkers is very easy to join. You need to create an account and fill in your information like name, and email. Then confirm your email and you are ready to start working on these sites.


On this site, you can make money by completing some easy tasks. This site has divided into some sections:

  • Job Level
  • Category
  • Payment
  • Location
  • Employer stats

If this finds you interesting then keep reading till the end!

What are the Job Level

It has divided into three parts:  (i) Starter (ii) Advanced (iii) Expert.



This level is for beginners if you have signed up for the sites. And, If your points are 0 and have not started a single task, then you will consider a starter.

To increase your level, you need to achieve a certain point. Levels 1 to 3 has consider a starter.



Levels 4 to 7 have been considered Advanced. At this job level, you will be getting more tasks and have exposure for getting high-paying tasks.


From level 8 considered an Expert. At this level also you will be getting high-paying tasks and more jobs will be available in this list.


But keep in mind the job level may decrease as per your performance. If any task has rated ‘NOT SATISFIED’ then there will be a deduction in points.

It will also increase if your task has rated ‘SATISFIED’ and also you will be getting extra points for earning $1.

Below is the screenshot of the points table:

Different Categories to work On!

There is some category divided into different parts as follow:

Sign up

This is the good part to make money in Picoworkers. As their pay rates start from $0.08 as compared to other categories.

And, most of the tasks will be available in this category. There will be a Simple sign-up and Complex Sign up.

  • In Simple Signup, the task will be easier. There will be a signup form you need to make sign-up where you have to provide some details like name and email only.
  • In Complex Sign-up task will be a little bit longer. As you have to provide some more details like KYC but the pay rates are higher than the Simple Signup

Search and Click

This is also the best part of Picoworkers. Where you will be getting the more easy tasks you need to search for a different website or blog.

Make a page view and spend some time as instructed.

In this category pay rates start from $0.03 and will go higher depending on the task and employer.

This is one of the easiest tasks to perform it can complete within 2 or 3 minutes.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is another category of this site. Where you will get paid to watch, like, comment, and subscribe to a video like YOUTUBE, DAILYMOTION, and LBRY.

In this category, the pay rates start from generally $0.04 and it will increase as per the task given in this list.


You will get paid for giving any like to any Facebook page. Following any Facebook account and sharing any post.

The best part about this category. You will be getting a task like giving feedback on any Facebook AD for doing the task.

You will be getting paid around $0.20 to $0.40 which is a good pay rate as this consumes less time to complete the task.


In this category, you will be getting paid around $0.02 to $0.10. For, Tweet, Retweet, Like, and Follow and the task is much easier to complete.


 This category also works on Facebook and Twitter. You need to follow, like, and comment on a particular Instagram account. The pay rates are from $0.02 to $0.10.

Promotion (Voting & Rating)

This is another quickest task. You need to give a rating or vote on a particular website. There are many websites for Promotion, Cryptocurrency, and apps.

You will be getting many works from these many websites and the pay rates vary from $0.04 to $0.25.

This category is the best part of this site as it can complete within 60 seconds of time.


 In this category, you can make $0.30 to $1 within 15 minutes.

You need to upvote the task or make any comments on the post. And, some tasks can be available for joining the subreddit group.

If more tasks are available in this category. Then your earnings will be more as this takes very less time to complete the task.

Every day the least available task will be around 10 to 15.

Apart from above mention category. There are some other categories listed on the website. Like, Forums, Honest Reviews, Commenting on blogs, Surveys/Offers, Writing an article, etc.

But almost 97% of tasks will be available on the site which I have explained in the above category.

So you can do a Sign-up and start making money from this awesome site.

Below is the screenshot of the different tasks. Which is available in different categories having a look. Get an idea of how this site works?

Different Payment Options

In this section, you can see the price range which would be from $0.02 to $5. So, you can select the price range and the task will be available as per your payment range selection.




You can select the location in Picoworkers and the task will appear as per the selected location. An International task appeared by default.

But, if you belong to a particular country then only the task will appear as per your location.

The location we found on this site in USA & Western, Muslim Countries.

These locations are available on the site. So you can choose your preferred location and start doing tasks.

But keep in mind you can only do the task. Which is from International and the country to which you are belonging.

You cannot do another country task. Apart from International and other country tasks will not appear in the list.

Employer Stats

In this section, you can able to see the employer-rated task. From Successful jobs – Low to High, Successful Jobs – High to Low, %tasks rated satisfied.

It would be better if you choose the task which is higher rated. And, satisfied by the employer as the chances of getting the task rejection will be less.

The Best strategy to complete the task

I am going to tell you the best strategy on how to earn around $8 to $10 per day.

Quick Task

Always try to do quick tasks in Picoworkers which mean task which takes lesser time.

Look only for the task which takes approximately 10 to 30 sec for example Reddit or Voting and Rating.

In this category, most of the task takes only 10 to 30 second to finish. Then you can move to another task.

High-Paying Task

Try to look for high-paying tasks which start from $0.10. As this will help you to achieve your daily goal and you can make $8 to $10 per day.

Time Management

This is the most important part of achieving your goal. You have to set the time to complete the task. Don’t spend much time on a particular task that takes more than 10 or 15 minutes.

Best for Beginners

This site is best for beginners who have started their online journey. This site doesn’t need any extra skill so, you can make money from this site and able to start your online journey.

If anyone wants quick money. Then this site is best for them as the site is legit and paying.

So the beginners will not feel demotivated or regret joining this site.

Picoworkers Review

Below is the Picoworkers review taken from the Trustpilot. So, you can judge how good the site is for beginners.


Source: Trustpilot

My Experience

Picoworkers has introduced in 2017 and I have joined this site since that time. The interface was completely different at that time. Though I was still working the availability of the task was very less.

Only 10 to 20 tasks were available at that time. I was not aware that this site will grow. Then I left the site and was no longer active for 2 years.

Then I come back to the site in 2020. I am amazed to see the changes in the site it was completely changed and looks much better and more stable.

Another best part is that you can be an employer and employee at the same time in Picoworkers. You can do the task and work.

While working on any site there must be some pros and cons:

Advantages of Picoworkers

  • You can join anytime
  • Best for beginners
  • Low payout $5
  • Anyone can join there is no extra skill requirement
  • Best for part-time work

Disadvantages of Picoworkers

  • Limited Earning


You can cash out your earnings once you have reached $5 and it has many payment gateway options. You can Withdraw through Paypal, Skrill, Litecoin, and Airtm.



Is Picoworker fake

No, it is a genuine site where people earn real money from here.

How much you can earn from Picoworkers

It depends on your time. But, still, you can’t generate passive income from these sites.

Final Words

This site is legit and it has been working since 2017 you can join anytime and work part-time while doing any other work.

So, it is a good option for your pocket money. These can be the best sites for beginners who can taste their online journey with no skill need.

Now, Picoworkers known as Sproutgigs have changed their name. Also, they have enabled many features you can also take part in online surveys.






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