Tubebuddy Reviews: Best Tool For Video Creator - Moneykan


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Tubebuddy Reviews: Best Tool For Video Creator

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Tubebuddy - Grow Your YouTube Channel More Easier And Faster

Tubebuddy reviews that’s what we will discuss in this article.

Nowadays, there is the growth of Video Content in every part of the world.

There are many video streaming platforms.

But the most popular among them is YouTube.

So, Tubebuddy reviews play an important role in selecting the best tools.

Yes, everybody wants to become a YouTuber. And, there is nothing wrong with that.

This is the only platform where anyone becomes popular overnight.

Anybody can share their talent whether it is Cooking, Art, Education, etc.

We can get any information from anywhere around the World.

It also shows the power of Social Media. It helps in our education and gaining knowledge in different topics.

You have to work hard to collect all this information.

Tubebuddy reviews will show you the direction to take action.

Whether you are uploading a video or watching the video.

You will get something that will benefit you in the future.

People can also solve their queries by searching different videos on YouTube.

So, Tubebuddy reviews play an important while running a channel.

If you want to be successful on YouTube then you need some guidance.

You need some tools that help you to grow on YouTube.

Now, here Tubebuddy reviews show everything about how you should have this kind of tool.

I can say that this may be the best and top video marketing tool that you must use.

TUBEBUDDY is the best tool to grow on YouTube in a very short period of time.

Tubebuddy reviews have a very positive rating from many video creators.

As we know video content is becoming more trending and this may be the future of many marketers.

Tubebuddy was launched in December 2014. Before that, it was owned by Google.

But day by day Tubebuddy reviews got special attention from many people.

What is Tubebuddy?

Tubebuddy is a browser extension that helps to get more views and subscribers.

It also helps to optimize your content to grow faster on YouTube. So, overall we have good Tubebuddy reviews.

Tubebuddy Reviews

It is also designed for YouTube creators. To help them manage, optimize, and grow their YouTube channels.

So, showing Tubebuddy reviews helps you to get more information about these tools.

Some of the key features of TubeBuddy. Include keyword explorer and tag suggestions.

Best practices audit, competitor analysis, A/B testing, and more.

TubeBuddy is available as a browser extension. For Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. And offers both free and paid plans.

TubeBuddy is a powerful tool for YouTube creators. Who want to optimize their videos and grow their channel.

It has many features that can help creators to save time and improve their video performance.

We will discuss more Tubebuddy reviews So, let’s explore these tools.


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Features of Tubebuddy:

TubeBuddy can help many YouTube creators. To improve their videos’ performance and grow their channels.

This is the reason Tubebuddy reviews have many positive approaches. Some of these features include:

1. Productivity Tools

TubeBuddy provides a range of video optimization tools. That can help creators improve their videos’ performance.

These tools include tag suggestions. And, a description editor, thumbnail generator, and end-screen templates.

Productivity is also divided into some more categories as follows:

Advanced Video Embed:

You can embed code for adding videos or playlists to your websites.

Canned Response

The message has already been written. It can also be used on various parts of YouTube.

Card Templates

No need to create the same card every time on all your videos. This template will help to apply any new upload.

Comment Formatting

You can format your comments at any time.

Emoji Picker

Make your video unique and interesting. Tag emojis in your video title, and description. You don’t need to use emojis from outside.

Quick Links Menu

It helps you to navigate to common parts of YouTube. No need to click every time.

Quick Edit Toolbar

You can navigate from one video to another while editing a list.

Thumbnail Generator

You can create a professional thumbnail for your video. No need to spend much time in Photoshop or any other website.

Video Topic Planner

Tubebuddy helps you to get more future ideas. It allows you to think about your future video.

2. Bulk Processing Tools

It is also divided into some parts which are as follows:

Copy Cards

If you want clean and consistent across your all videos. So, it has an automated process to copy all the cards.

Copy End Screen

It has the same features that are mentioned above. It helps you to clean and be consistent across all your videos.

Delete Card

Tubebuddy helps you to delete all or some of your videos in a single click.

Delete End Screen

It has an automated process to delete all or some of your videos.

Demonetization Check

In every video, you want to make some money. It will review your demonetized videos.

Update Cards

If you want to replace your old promotion link with a new promotion link. This will definitely help you on this part.

Update End Screens

It updates the end screen of some or all of your videos.

3. Video SEO Tools

Video SEO Tools are also divided into some categories which are as follows:

Auto Translator

If you want more views globally. Then this will help you to translate the video title and description.

Keyword Explorer

This will help you to get a higher rank in search results. This is the best part of Tubebuddy to get more views on your videos.

Search Explorer

Keep your videos on the higher rank. It helps you to search for what people are looking for on Youtube

Search Position

If you want to see where your video ranks on YouTube. This Tubebuddy search position will help you to remove some bad tags.

Seo Studio

This helps your video to optimize metadata for some specific keywords.

4. Production Tools

It also has some categories which are as follows:

Best Time to Publish

Time plays a crucial role in uploading your video content.

You must know when your audience is most active. It helps you to identify the best time to publish.


It gives the milestone of your achievement to celebrate your channel’s success.

Promotion Material

It boosts your uploaded video through some specialized links

Publish on Social Media

You can publish your video on different social media with the help of a single click.

5. Data & Research Tools

It also has some categories which are as follows:

Brand Alert

To know about your competitor. You should track your analysis of your brand.

Health Report

Tubebuddy always looks for your channel growth. It analyzes your search traffic and watches time.

It always shows the performance of your channel report.



TubeBuddy’s features can help creators save time by automating tasks.

Such as keyword research, tag suggestions, and end-screen templates.

This can help creators focus on creating content. Rather than spending time on tedious tasks.

Improved video performance: 

TubeBuddy’s video optimization tools can help creators improve their videos’ performance.

By optimizing them for search, creating eye-catching thumbnails, and engaging end screens.

Increased engagement: 

TubeBuddy’s promotion tools can help creators increase their engagement.

By promoting their videos on social media and managing comments.


TubeBuddy’s analytics provide creators with valuable insights into their audience demographics.

And video performance, allowing them to tailor their content to their target audience. And improve their videos’ performance over time.


TubeBuddy offers a range of pricing plans to cater to the needs of creators of all sizes and budgets.

Making it a cost-effective solution for YouTube channel management and optimization.

Tubebuddy Pricing

It has a very nominal price with a 30-day money-back guarantee. The pricing has three parts (i) Pro (ii) Star (iii) Legend.

Those who have less than 1000 Subscribers. They will get 50% off on Pro.

So, it is good for beginners who have started their channel. There is no contract for these three plans. You cancel at any time.

Tubebuddy pricing is not that expensive. You can afford and use it from day one.

Below is the Tubebuddy price:

Tubebuddy Pricing

Tubebuddy Extension

It is very comfortable with all the extensions. Whether it is Tubebuddy extension for Chrome, Tubebuddy Firefox, or Brave.

You can add the Tubebuddy extension.

Tubebuddy Extension

So, install this amazing tool and give a skyrocket to your YouTube channel.

How to use Tubebuddy?

This software is very easy to use. It is one of the best tools for Youtubers.

If you have a YouTube channel and you don’t have Tubebuddy. Then there is something you are missing to grow your channel.

It is a very powerful tool and also Tubebuddy reviews are more positive than any other tool.

These tools track each and every one of your channels. Whether it is content, title, description, tags, etc.

If you want to make your career on YouTube. Then you must have this tool.

Once you have installed this tool in your browser. You can navigate your YouTube channel. It will guide you step by step on how to grow on YouTube.

TubeBuddy reviews have something for the creator. You can make trust to start your journey.

With features like keyword research, competitor analysis, and A/B testing.

Let’s take on how we can use Tubebuddy.

Install TubeBuddy

To get started with Tubebuddy, you first need to install it on your browser.

Tubebuddy is available as a browser extension. For Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

To install it, go to the TubeBuddy website, and click on the “Install TubeBuddy” button.

Follow the instructions to install the extension on your browser.

Connect your YouTube account

Once you have installed the Tubebuddy extension. You need to connect it to your YouTube account. 

To do this, click on the Tubebuddy icon in your browser toolbar, and then click on the “Connect Channel” button.

Follow the instructions to grant Tubebuddy access to your YouTube account.

Use Tubebuddy to optimize your videos

With Tubebuddy installed and connected to your YouTube account.

You can start using its features to optimize your videos. Here are some of the key features that you can use:

Keyword Explorer: 

The Tubebuddy keyword research tool allows you to find the best keywords. To use in your video titles, descriptions, and tags.

You need to enter a keyword related to your video. Tubebuddy will show you a list of related keywords. Along with their search volume and competition level.

Tag Suggestions: 

The Tag Suggestions feature provides you with a list of suggested tags for your video. Based on the keywords you have used.

You can select the tags that are most relevant to your video and add them to your video metadata.

Best Practices Audit: 

The Best Practices Audit tool analyzes your video’s metadata.

Including titles, descriptions, and tags, and provides you with suggestions for improvement. Based on YouTube’s best practices.

Competitor Analysis: 

The Competitor Analysis tool. Allows you to compare your channel’s performance with your competitors.

You can see which keywords. That your competitors are using and how well their videos are performing.

A/B Testing: 

The A/B Testing tool allows you to test. Different variations of your video’s metadata to see which one performs better.

You can test different titles, descriptions, tags, and more. To find the best combination for your video.

Track your performance

After optimizing your videos using Tubebuddy. It’s important to track your performance to see how well your videos are performing.

Tubebuddy provides you with detailed analytics. On your video’s views, watch time, engagement, and more.

You can use this data to identify trends. And make adjustments to your video optimization strategy.

Vidiq vs Tubebuddy

VidIQ and TubeBuddy are two of the most popular YouTube optimization tools.

Both of these tools offer a wide range of features. To help content creators grow their channels and improve their video SEO.

Let’s discuss VidIQ vs. TubeBuddy and help you decide which one is the better option for you.


VidIQ and TubeBuddy offer similar features. Including keyword research, competitor analysis, and video optimization tools.

VidIQ, yet, offers a few unique features. Such as real-time stats, custom thumbnail creation, and trending video alerts.

But, TubeBuddy offers features like A/B testing and bulk processing. And integration with other platforms like Shopify and Canva.

Ease of Use

Both VidIQ and TubeBuddy are easy to navigate. TubeBuddy has a more straightforward interface that is easy to understand.

While VidIQ has a more modern and appealing design. VidIQ’s dashboard can feel a bit overwhelming at first.

But the platform offers plenty of tutorials and resources to help new users get started.


VidIQ and TubeBuddy offer both free and paid plans. VidIQ’s free plan is more limited than TubeBuddy’s free plan.

But VidIQ’s paid plans are generally less expensive than TubeBuddy.

TubeBuddy offers more expensive plans but offers a more extensive range of features.

Including A/B testing, and bulk processing. And the ability to integrate with other platforms.

Customer Support

Both VidIQ and TubeBuddy offer excellent customer support. VidIQ offers support via email, live chat, and an extensive knowledge base.

TubeBuddy offers email support, live chat, and phone support. Which is not available with VidIQ.

Tubebuddy Reviews

According to Capterra, G2.COM, Getapp has a very good experience for almost all users.

It has a rating of 4.6 on Getapp and 4.5 on G2.COM.

So it is an amazing tool for every Youtuber. So, Tubebuddy reviews are very impressive for beginners to get.

Tubebuddy Reviews

Tubebuddy trusted by many leading creators

Even some, leading creators have given positive Tubebuddy reviews. This helps you to get more attention to the tool.


Is Tubebuddy Safe

Yes, it is safe. It will not harm your channel but instead, it will help your channel to grow.

Tubebuddy reviews have a very good response and are recommended by many YouTubers. It is also one of the top tools for your YouTube channels.

Why You Need Tubebuddy

Because Tubebuddy reviews have good ratings. And, it is used by many video content creators.

It helps you to grow faster on YouTube. If you have a channel. If you don’t have to create a channel.

As we know video marketing is also a very crucial part of any business.

Should I pay for TubeBuddy?
If you think that you need to grow on YouTube more quickly. Then you can go with their premium version.
It completely depends on your needs and preferences. If any tools helping you to achieve your certain goals then you must go ahead.

Final Words

TubeBuddy is a valuable tool for YouTube creators that has a wide range of features.

It helps to manage, optimize, and grow their channels. You should also read Tubebuddy reviews before visiting the website.

It’s keyword research, video optimization, promotion, and analytics tools.

Can help creators save time, improve their video performance, and increase engagement. And gain valuable insights into their audience.

If you are a new creator then this tool becomes your all-in-one tool to become successful on Youtube.

TubeBuddy is a cost-effective solution. This can help creators of all sizes and budgets to improve their YouTube channels.

So, you need to give a try this amazing tool. If you are using this one.

If you are using TubeBuddy then Please share your thoughts in the comments below!


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